
Lara Birkes has a professional background in public policy and sustainability. She works with businesses to develop their social & environmental impact strategies. This passion is driven by her love of nature & wildlife.
Lara's ties to Montana go back to 1895 when her great, great grandparents homesteaded along the Yellowstone River. Her grandmother grew-up in a log cabin on the family homestead only miles from where she lives now.
As an outdoor enthusiast, avid skier and mountaineer, away from work you can usually find Lara in the mountains with her dog. She calls Paradise Valley, Montana home.​

Writer and editor Marielle Saums strives to connect urban and rural communities throughout the Northwest by telling the stories of leaders in social and environmental sustainability.
They draw from a background in interdisciplinary field studies and community development to provide writing services for mission-driven organizations and businesses.
Marielle first ventured West for an ecological research internship on the National Bison Range in Moiese, Montana and is currently based out of Seattle, Washington.